
11:58:00 PM

Summer means going down south to sunshine Algarve. 

I got confess I'm not the biggest beach fan. I don't like when it's too hot. But luckily for me... it was hot but not make-me-blood-pressure-drop-suddenly hot. I took the time to catch up on my reading. It started with unexpected tear up with Stephen King's "Welcome to Joyland", a ride back home to Hogwarts and it ended with a Swedish crime that I'm still trying to solve.

I always go to the same hotel in the same town. It always feels like going back home. And to a place where I've always been happy. The walls and the people are full of childhood memories. (Not to meantion that knowing the place like the back of your hand helps too). For someone who isn't a big fan of the beach I went to the beach quite a of this Summer - which didn't translate into tan because I'm so light! I took the time to relax and dive into worlds created by others. (And have a beer... or two). And to go back to a world I've known since I was a little kid. 

But for now it's time to say goodbye and until next year. (For you untill next post)


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