A Letter To Him

12:34:00 AM

I'm sorry. This is long overdue. But I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I'm sorry. Because you were the only guy who saw me. Not that I haven't had friends who were boy before. But to them I was only a friend. And you. You wanted me to be more than just that. I guess I just couldn't at the time. Now looking back I see that I wasn't ready. I still had demons to face. And fears to conquer. I was still battling inside. I was still trying to win. Because each and every time I was nice I ended up heart broken. Not broken. Crushed. Because being the joke and center of a bet between the boys of your class does that to you. Simply because I got brave enough to tell the boy I liked that I had a crushed on him. Because once  I politely smiled at a boy I knew from school and ended being followed and trapped between the wall and him. Nice guys don't just show up on my front door asking me on a date. So when you did. I blocked and went cold. Because building walls was the only thing I knew to do. Letting no one in was the only way I knew how to protect myself. Because I was used to being nice and turned down. Because nice boys don't just look at me like they way you did. I was scared and pushed you. But now. I can see clearly now. Because I've faced my demons. And I've conquered my fears. I won the battle. I won it. I got my life back. And it's mine. And looking back now I see the reasons why I acted the way I did. Why I acted like a cold heartless bitch. And I know this is long overdue. I'm sorry.

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