Coffee & Books

11:22:00 PM

Monday mornings mean going downtown running errands. Monday morning also mean breakfast at my favorite coffee in town. A ham sandwich and big ball of coffee. That's my usually. Sometimes I change the sandwich. But the coffee that stays regardless of what I eat. This Monday meant the beginning of a new adventure. This book has been standing in my book shelve for a year now. I cheated on the book jar this time (sorry). But I this time I couldn't keep my mind away from it. And so I started to read it. I'm liking the story so far. Not so much of the letters. They are really small which sometimes gives me a little bit of headache. But little by little. Chapter by chapter I'll get through it.

I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own.

Which book(s) are you reading at the moment?

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