
1:20:00 AM

I wasn't the most open during my University years. I still hadn't win the battle with myself. My past was still winning over me. So I would hide behind the smile, the sarcastic comments and the laughs. I wouldn't talk much about myself. Or let anyone know myself at all.  But there were two people. Two people. Around them I would let myself be my self. That's what I miss the most. The crazy non-sense talks. The discussions about anything. The fun in the work. The feeling of non-judgment I would get from being with them. The simple fact that I would allow myself to be. I could be. I could breathe. Friends. I didn't get to make much friends on University. But those two. Those two I call them friends. They are my friends. I cannot wait for Summer to be here so we three can be together once again.

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